Support Group

Prevention and Treatment

The opioid crisis is a fast‐growing epidemic for Native Americans, especially in our local tribal communities. SCIHP is addressing the opioid crisis using behavioral health, medical, cultural, and preventive measures. SCIHP understands how important it is to prevent opioid misuse and overdoses. Through our opioid prevention projects we strive to protect our community with education and outreach as well as offer medication treatment for opioid dependence and harm reduction.

Our Behavioral Health Department provides therapy and substance abuse recovery outpatient services, as well as community wellness activities that include cultural activities. They also conduct weekly substance use recovery groups. Through our Medical Department we offer the Medication Assisted Treatment program, also known as K’oɁdi (pronounced Koh-dee) meaning “it is good” in the Southern Pomo language. K’oɁdi is a group based program to help our Native community members living with opioid addiction re-create balance and restore health and wellness. Our Pharmacy Department offers free Narcan, which is a nasal administered drug to revive an individual that has overdosed on opioids and training how to administer it. They also provide information on medication safety and can answer questions you may have on your medication.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact any of the following departments: